It's designed to make your brain spin around insideyour skull. Imgine thatÂyou meet a very old man whoâ#8364”yo eventuallyrealizeâ#8364”knws literally everything. Adams describes God'sDebris as a thought experiment wrapped in a story. God's Debris: A Thought Experiment PublishĭESCRIPTIONGod's Debris: A Thought ExperimentExplore the mysteries and magic of the cosmos with the acclaimed creator of Dilbert. Gods Debrisis the first non-Dilbert, non-humor book by best-selling author Scott Adams. Share the book with your smart friends, then discuss it later while enjoying a beverage. It has no violence or sex, but the ideas are powerful and not appropriate for readers under fourteen. The thought experiment is this: Try to figure out what's wrong with the old man's explanation of reality. What does it feel like to suddenly understand everything? You may not find the final answer to the big question, but God's Debris might provide the most compelling vision of reality you will ever read. Imagine that he explains for you the great mysteries of life: quantum physics, evolution, God, gravity, light psychic phenomenon, and probability—in a way so simple, so novel, and so compelling that it all fits together and makes perfect sense. It's designed to make your brain spin around inside your skull. Imagine that you meet a very old man who—you eventually realize—knows literally everything. Adams describes God's Debris as a thought experiment wrapped in a story.

Explore the mysteries and magic of the cosmos with the acclaimed creator of Dilbert. God's Debris is the first non-Dilbert, non-humor book by best-selling author Scott Adams.